Principal Investigator
Alejandra URANGA
Gabilan Assistant Professor Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department |
Doctoral Students
Saakar Byahut Research Area: Electrified aircraft conceptual design Thesis: Modeling and Analysis of Propulsion Systems and Components for Electrified Commercial Aircraft Joined: May 2016 |
Arturo Cajal Research Area: Low Reynolds number flows Thesis: Modeling Natural Transition in RANS Simulations Joined: August 2016 |
Andrew Dorsey Research Area: Aircraft conceptual design Thesis: TBD Joined: January 2019 |
Michael Kruger
Research Area: Aircraft conceptual design Thesis: The Challenges and Potential Benefits of Electric Propulsion for Aircraft Joined: August 2016 |
Tianbo (Raye) Xie Research Area: Engine modeling for CFD Thesis: Body-Force Propulsor Model for High-Fidelity CFD Simulations Joined: August 2016 |
Master’s Students
Tanmay Mukherjee Research Area: Aircraft conceptual design Thesis: Conceptual framework development Joined: January 2020 |